veggie burger and fries

Winter - A letter from Frankia Bacteria

Mr. Frankia spp. and his friends have a message to you. Read More...

Spring - It's time to Plant from Mr. Potato

Spring has come and it is time to start organizing your seeds. If you have bought seeds, you will see on the back of the package that there are instructions on when to start growing them. Typically there are “start inside” seeds and “direct-seeding” seeds. Read More...

Summer - Watering, waiting, and watching from Rocky Raccoon

So you think that you and your students can just take the summer off, go on vacation, slack off and when you come back to school you will have a thriving veggie garden? Read More...

Fall - The plants tell you when to harvest

Well you are back at school teacher. and we, the plants have definitely missed you. We have been well looked after by the community, even harvested when the beans came up early - and frozen for your class. Read More...